Travelationship High Fives: Our Favorite Packing Tips and Tricks

Last Updated on February 13, 2024 by Travelationship

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Heather’s Packing Tips

Until I met Matt, I was a checked-bag gal. Nowadays, I cringe at the thought of taking so much stuff on a trip that I would have to check a bag. It’s not just the extra time it takes to check the bag and wait to pick it up at a carousel; lugging it around to get to and from everywhere is a nightmare. I love the freedom and flexibility of traveling with only carry-on luggage.

Organization is Key

I love a great spreadsheet or list. You are either a list maker or a list hater, but for those who love the satisfaction of a good checklist or strike-through – make a list of what you will need for your trip. I made a template of items I must have on every trip, such as eyeglasses, saline solution, extra pair of contacts, phone charger, phone, ID, passport, etc. I add what I need to the template for each trip, such as shower shoes, five shirts, five pants, etc. There are lots of new packing list apps out there. I haven’t found one I like better than my good old Excel spreadsheet (Yes, I said Excel). I will let you know when/if I do find one.

Store all your travel-related items in one place. I have a bathroom shelf dedicated to all the travel products we use on every trip, such as shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, lotion, traveling credit card, traveling toothbrush, extra contacts, saline solution, etc. Keeping it all in the same place makes it easy to assess what needs to be replaced, what needs to be filled for the next trip, and what may or may not be needed for the next trip. As you get closer to your trip departure, move the storage location to a table or designated floor space. That way, you can add more oversized items, such as clothing, shoes, electronic charges, etc., to determine your size and space.

Check with Your Airline

Most major airlines allow one carry-on / roller-size luggage and one shoulder or computer-size bag. Remember, it is permitted to carry on, but it is not guaranteed you can carry on your giant suitcase. Pack your valuables and necessities (including medications and at least one clean undergarment or outfit) accordingly. If you usually split your valuables between your two bags, pack the items in a place where you can easily remove them if needed. That way, if you have to check your giant bag, reaching and moving your items to your more petite bag is more accessible.

Between the two bags, I try to pack all my flight essentials into smaller loads, such as iPods, headphones, reading materials, pens, chapstick, hand lotion, wet wipes, note paper, camera, reusable water bottle, sweater, socks, etc. I don’t want to dig through my roller bag while on a flight and try to find something I may need.

Packing Cubes

Get yourself some packing cubes and bags. Cubes come in handy for so many different reasons. About tip #3, pack extra undergarments, valuables, medication, etc., in a cube. Pack it on the top of your roller for easy access in case you need it or need to transfer it to your more petite bag. Nothing will fall out or get lost in the shuffle. Use cubes to keep your items separated and easy to find, keep your clean and dirty laundry separated, and sort matching things together. There are so many different ways to organize while using cubes. They can also be used in your smaller carry-on to separate your pens, headphones, etc. They are great at helping separate charges and electronics.

When traveling to a water destination, consider bringing a waterproof bag to hold wet clothes and shoes for your last day. Do you hate digging for your ID, Passport, or wallet over and over? Don’t wear clothing with pockets big enough to fit your stuff. Get an organizer that hooks onto your luggage. It cuts out digging through your bag and forgetting where you last put your passport or boarding ticket.

We recommend the following packing cube setPacking Cubes

passport holder and packing cube

Don’t pack EVERYTHING you think you may need. In most cases, your destination will have a convenience store where you can buy things. Ask your hotel ahead of time if they provide bulkier items, such as beach towels and bags, shampoo, conditioner, hair dryers, razors, etc.

Matt’s Packing Ideas

Survey Your Goods – I am visual, so I spread out everything I want to create a plot in the living room. This way, I can 1) see how much stuff I have to fit into my bag and 2) visually connect all the dots, making sure each sock has a mate and the camera has a charger and a flash card.

Roll those Clothes – Knowing we had this post coming, I experimented with different ways of packing my clothes for the last few trips. Except for cubes for the small stuff like socks, I will be rolling my clothes from here on out. They took up less room and had fewer creases than using different folding or compression bags. Another helpful hint that deals with rolling comes from rolling your socks and putting them in your shoes to save space and help keep their shape.

rolled clothes in a suitcase

Medicine in Proper Containers – Keeping it in original containers would be wise if you travel with medication. This is especially prevalent regarding prescription medicine, as some countries might confiscate it or detain you for questions about unlabeled pills.

Packing for Other Travel Needs

CASH – There is a saying, “Cash is King.” Not only that, but it is universal and handy to have a little. Any situation might require a little green, and don’t just get $ 20 from the ATM; you need some smaller bills, too. Nothing is worse than choosing between giving the bellhop $20 or $0; it sets a bad precedent. Also, several stores and services aren’t interested in plastic.

Down / Travel Time – Don’t only pack for the vacation; grab something for travel or downtime. This isn’t exclusive to entertainment either; snacks and books are not the cheapest inside the airport, at the train station, or at your hotel. Pick up your favorite snacks and magazines before heading to the airport.

Tell Us About Your Favorite Can’t Miss Packing Tips or Tricks…

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14 thoughts on “Travelationship High Fives: Our Favorite Packing Tips and Tricks”

  1. Located in Mumbai, Nishnai Holidays is considered the leading tours and travels company in India. It is founded by Mr. Tushar Sanas who has years of experience in this field. The company has a team of tours and travels specialists who offer unmatched services as well as luxury travel experiences to all the customers.

  2. I don’t check my bad unless I absolutely have to. I’ve been doing carry in since I went to Ireland and my stuff went to Budapest…


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